Project launched to prepare legislative amendments on using passenger name record data in crime prevention 

28.6.2024 9.39
The Ministry of the Interior has set up a project to prepare legislative amendments on the use of air carriers’ passenger name record (PNR) data in the prevention of terrorist offences and serious crime.

Legislative amendments to expand the Border Guard's right to use more technology in statutory duties 

27.6.2024 13.58
In future, the Border Guard will be able to make better use of modern technology in its key statutory duties, such as border control and the maintenance of border security and order along the border. The amendments will enter into force on 5 July 2024.

Finland to introduce new border procedure – asylum applications can be processed near the border

27.6.2024 13.49
A new border procedure will be added to Finnish legislation. The procedure will allow asylum applications submitted by persons who have already arrived in the country to be processed near the border if certain preconditions are met. These are different provisions from the border security act that is currently being discussed by Parliament.

See also